Ogasun's atelier is about 40 years old. The aluminum sash walls probably have some insulation, but it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. This summer has been extremely hot, and even with the air conditioner on, it's still hot! . I'm worried about the electricity bill if I lower the temperature setting too much, so I always keep it around 28-9 degrees. Heat enters and exits the room through the window! I tried to find out how to deal with windows based on the knowledge I had found on the internet. It seems best to add double-glazed inner windows or update the sash itself to the latest version, but that would cost a lot of money. I don't have much money, so I just fixed the three waist-high windows in the room I usually use and the small window at the top of the stairs.
I used 4mm plastic cardboard, 3x6 size, which I bought at a hardware store, cut to fit the window size, and fixed it using a 100-yen wiring cover. I also updated the lace curtains to my favorite star pattern.
In the summer, we close the shutters, windows, and curtains and turn on the air conditioner, but what are the important effects? ? I feel like it's a little cooler (maybe it's just my imagination?). What measures are you taking?
