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参加予定です! I'm planning to participate!

執筆者の写真: ogasunogasun

3月に開催される「 第7回碧南市民アンデパンダン展 みなさんがアーティスト 」に参加予定です。碧南市出身、市内在住・在勤・在学(小学生以上)の人または市内を活動の場としている人が参加できます。本日の2月 22日申し込みしてきました。出展作品は1点で、もう完成しています。今回は各箱の額で作ってみました。楽しみにしておいて下さい。

会期は令和6年3月19日(火曜日)~31日(日曜日) 10時~17時(最終日は14時まで)



I am planning to participate in the 7th Hekinan Citizen Independent Exhibition: Everyone is an Artist, which will be held in March. People who are from Hekinan City, live, work, or go to school (elementary school students or older) in the city, or people who are active in the city can participate. I applied today, February 22nd. There is only one piece on display, and it has already been completed. This time I made it using the frames from each box. Please look forward to it. The exhibition period is from Tuesday, March 19, 2020 to Sunday, March 31, 2020, from 10:00 to 17:00 (until 14:00 on the last day) I will post a link when the website is completed.

The photo is of the cherry blossoms at Rinkai Park that I stopped by on my way home after applying.They are just starting to bloom! .


©2020 by ogasun x おがさん

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