昨年末までは絵も毎日描いてましたが、今年に入ってからは超スローペースにしました。ここのところは殆ど描いてません。もちろん楽器などもほぼ触ってません。FaceBook や Instadram への投稿も以前はほぼ毎日していましたが、今年に入ってからは投稿はかなり少なくしています。ただ、Threads ではウォーキング時の写真を中心にアップしています。
Ogasun has been involved in various art activities, but he is currently taking a break from outputting! Until the end of last year, I was drawing every day, but since the beginning of this year, I've slowed down a lot. I haven't drawn much here. Of course, I almost never touch musical instruments. I used to post on FaceBook and Instagram almost every day, but since the beginning of this year I've been posting much less. However, on Threads, I mainly upload photos taken while walking.
Since around 2010, I've continued to output art and music, so I'm planning to take a break and relax at this pace until I figure out what I want to do next. The website will be updated once a month, and the blog will be updated irregularly.
