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e-Tax 体験! e-Tax experience!

執筆者の写真: ogasunogasun


There are still many things that I have never experienced before.


一月の誕生日を開業日にして税務署に届けを出して、簿記の教本を買ってきて少々勉強して Mac の numbers で帳簿をつけていました。どうなる事か??と始めてみましたが、売掛買掛がないし、現金だけなので(ほぼ事業主借なんですけど)記帳は割と簡単にできました。

I was in good physical condition at the beginning of my retirement, but I was getting sick and I gave up getting a job. I can't help staying still, so I decided to become a sole proprietor I had heard before since January of last year. I filed a notification with the tax office on January's birthday as the opening day, bought a bookkeeping textbook, studied a little, and kept the books on my Mac numbers. What will happen? ?? However, since there are no accounts payable and only cash (although it is almost a business owner's debt), bookkeeping was relatively easy.

そした e-Tax の申請は ID パスワード方式でトライしてみました。あらかじめ ID パスワードを税務署でもらってきて自宅でPC入力、多少は迷いましたが決算書や青色申告もなんとか完了できました。一時間ぐらいでできたかな?。

I tried to apply for e-Tax using the ID password method. I got an ID password from the tax office in advance and entered it on my PC at home. I was a little lost, but I managed to complete the financial statements and blue filing. Was it done in about an hour? ..



However, I couldn't do much because of Corona, who had been suffering from eye problems last year. Sales weren't zero, but they were low, and of course they were in the red. Is it likely to happen this year as well? .. Why don't you try it too? ..


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